Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Look whos about to turn 2!

So Kohner is about to turn 2 in less than 2 weeks. He has grown up so much! He is talking so much and mocking everything we say. He can count to 3 and skip 4 then say 5. He says a "bweesing" before he eats and screams "AMEN!!" He loves listening to music and shakes his butt to it. He will sit there and play with his cars and tractors all day long. It amazes me how smart Kohner really is. Me and Matthew Marsh started dating 4 months ago and kohner loves him so much. We go over to see Matt and his nephew Jim everyweekend. I don't think Kohner goes one day out of the week without talking about his bestfriend jim. They are so funny together. Kohner loves him so much yet they beat the heck out of each other. Kohner's grown into a awesome little man!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mommys little K man

Kohner has hit his terrible twos early...he is a handful maybe even two handfuls. He is talking all the time repeating everything we say and saying everything so clear. He will be saying full sentences before long. Kohner loves playing with tractors, cars, trains and loves to be outside. I can't wait the summer to go swimmming and to the beach with him. I am working now so I'm not with Kohner all the time. He stays with a family friend and gets to get to play with his friend Cameron. It has helped his behavior alot but still one crazy 20 month old. He loves to fake laugh lol and cheezes for the camera! I love my k man with every bit of my heart.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not a baby anymore

Kohner just had his 15 month dr apt. He is 22 lbs and 32 inches tall and healty as a horse. He is getting so big! Talking and running. No more little baby. He's saying outside, truck, tractor, cat, kitty, Koh (for kohner), moo (for cow), woof woof (for dog) two (he skips one and three), bye bye and whats that. His vocabulary is expanding everyday. Kohner is very smart. He opens and closes doors, walks up and down steps by himself, using a utensil to eat. He even helped mommy mix up cake batter so that we could bake a halloween cake. He is a handful but I just let him outside and he's fine. So happy and content. Loves to go on a walk in his wagon. He gives me kisses also. This just melts my heart

The many faces of Kohner