Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bathtub Baby

So Kohner has been taking big boy baths now and he absolutly LOVES them. He deffinently didn't like his baths when all we used was the wash clothe. But the tub is absolutly great! We will be trying to wash him and he will squirm and kick his feet in the water. He was smiling the whole time, well at least until we took him out. He holds his head up so that we can wash under his neck and curls his toes up so we can't get to them. Kohner is oh so ticklish :] He is deffinently going to be a water baby!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


So this past week Kohner has been oh so fussy and we haven't been able to figure out why. He also keeps spitting up his formula so while we were staying with Brad's parents, his mom went and bought soy based formula. I guess he is lactose intolerant because he is doing just fine now. Barely any fussing and no more spitting up. I swear he has gained 10 pounds though. Kohner is so heavy. He is so cute though I love my chunky monkey and all his cute little chunky faces he makes :] he makes my heart skip a beat just looking at him.