Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Kohner and mommy
Eating like a big boy
Kohner sitting up
Happy baby
My all time favorite picture


Kohner is 4 months and a couple weeks. He is rolling over like there is no tomorrow. He fell off the bed the other day and thats how I found out he was rolling. I felt like the worst mother in the world. He also is army crawling which is so cute :D you can't take your eyes off him for 2 seconds. Kohner loves eating cereal, applesauce and bananas. His favorite is bananas, he loves bananas!! He's also trying to sit up by himself, he rolls to much right now. Kohner also loves to eat and play with his feet. Thats probably his most favorite activity. He is just getting so big. His hair is growing so fast and he is learning all new things everyday. I love my son so much. He is my everything!