table rock
kohner hiking
kohner hiking
kohner and daddy
the huge waterfall
me and kohner going shopping
Kohner will be 3 months on Saturday and he is getting to be momma's big boy! He has got to be a womping 15 lbs now. He is holding his head completly up by himself and is trying to pull himself up and smiles All THE TiME. We just got back from the mountains sunday with the whole family. It was beautiful Kohner sat there watching the trees go by outside the window. He was really good the whole time. On the way home we just happened to a beautiful waterfall. We got out and took pictures in front of it. Well we just happened to see some trails, so we began to follow them. It sent us to old landmark things and other parts of the creek. We went almost a mile back and found this absolutly gorgous waterfall that was HUGE!! It was cold as mess but it was so beautiful it was worth walking in. We took pictures of the baby at every creek or landmark we seen! We all had a fun weekend just sitting around the campfire and hiking!