Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Kohner is getting so big! He is now crawling...he started that on the 1st of February. I can't get him to slow down. He just starts going and doesn't stop. He gets into everything now! He has 2 teeth now. He got them at 5 1/2 months. He wasn't fussy at all. I didn't even know he had teeth until I was going to pull a piece of paper out of his mouth a he bit me!! I called Brad crying happy tears! :] Kohner is also trying to stand up now...If he could figure out where to place his foot he would be up and gone :-/ He loves his big boy baths also...No longer do we use a baby tub, we just fill the tub up and let him play wit hhis toys!! At his 6 month checkup he was 16.11 pounds and 27 inches tall! He got his 6 month shots too. I was about to cry because he started screaming.....I felt like the worlds worst mommy

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